Thursday, May 14, 2015

Osteoclast Differentiation and Bone Disease: The RANKL Angle

Bone Remodeling and Osteoclasts: Bones are complex, living organs that distinguish vertebrates from other animals. Bones serve multiple purposes in the human body, including assisting in mobility, serving as warehouses for the production of blood cells, and functioning as reservoirs for storage and release of essential minerals like calcium. While the bone might appear rigid and inert, it is in fact a dynamic organ that undergoes constant remodeling (Crockett et al., 2011). Estimates show that approximately 10% of the total human bone mass is remodeled every year (Jones et al., 2002). Bone remodeling, also termed bone metabolism, is a life-long process required for many skeletal functions including bone growth, fracture healing, tooth eruption, and maintenance of steady state calcium levels in the blood... more

Kingfisher Biotech has a growing portfolio of RANKL proteins. We are committed to accelerating basic veterinary and animal model research by developing and commercializing reagents to various species, many of which have been previously under-served. Our products span over a dozen species (bovine, canine, caprine, catfish, chicken, dolphin, equine, feline, guinea pig, hamster, human, mouse, ovine, rabbit, rat, swine, and turkey). Our product offering includes recombinant proteins, polyclonal antibodies, monoclonal antibodies, Do-It-Yourself ELISAs, and ELISA kits.

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